29 September 2009

Penne or Pool

Before leaving work this evening I had to make one of the most difficult choices one is faced with; whether to go home and eat one of my favorite meals—pasta penne vodka—or take my tired body and fatigued mental status to the pool and cast away some demons. If you are like me, the choice is obvious—go home and scarf down a good half pound (I am being modest here—I have been known to inhale a pound on a good day) of pasta al dente. But I did not get to the gym last night and it is still going to be a little while for me before I can run. So, I got my sorry, tired butt to the pool and swam an efficient 1000 yards. I have no idea how long it took me, but I felt like I was motoring tonight. I also swam an efficient 1200 yards on Sunday afternoon. I have been really enjoying my swims these days. I hear a lot of athletes talk about how boring swimming can be, but I rather enjoy it. Perhaps it is because I am still so conscious of my form and I enjoy tweaking little things to make myself go faster. Six months ago it was nearly torture for me to get into the pool.

Update on the knees:
Nine days following the Finger Lakes [Olympic distance] Triathlon and I am still laying off the running. The knees feel better, but the athletic trainer said I ought to lay off the running for at least another week, while I continue to ice my knees and stretch my hamstrings. So far, I have not done neither. I would like to do a 10 mile run for Hospice coming up on 17 October and a 5K run at my local YMCA on 8 October. I am itching to run like crazy, but I do not want to come back to soon or too hard and re-injure myself.

P.S. My wife's penne vodka is ridiculous.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

now ive had that pasta and that is a tough decision.