16 November 2009

14 Pounds Till New Year

Eight years ago, I put on 14 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years. For those of you looking to "beef up" this holiday season, here is the training regimen I recommend:

• Eat a second dinner late at night—usually between 10 or 11:00 p.m. I am not talking a little "snack," but rather leftover turkey with all the holiday fixings; mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, etc

• Drink Guinness Stout and Bailey's Irish Cream indiscriminately at all hours of the day.

• Watch as many football games and bad holiday movies as you can withstand, while sitting on the couch ingesting copious amounts of the aforementioned turkey and beverages.

• Your exercise regimen should include getting to the gym at least once or twice a week, fraternizing with as many acquaintances as possible while working in some abs to counter the effects of the Guinness.

• Only weigh yourself after you know that you may have done irreversible damage. It does no good to weigh yourself through the process, should the overwhelming sense of guilt lead to some premature consciousness along the way, ruining your holiday weight gain.

Here come the holidays. Tis' the season to eat cookies, drink excessively, and delve into the abyss. Let's not go there this year! My goal, as is my challenge to all of you is to shed a pound or two this holiday season (I am being realistic here, c'mon.) I am no saint, we all indulge in a little holiday excess, but knowing is half the battle. Find a Turkey Trot, do some extra laps in the pool, take an extra spinning class a week, but get out there and don't let the holidays dictate your weight.

Great Masters Swim Workout this Sunday:

100 S
100 K
100 P
100 S

50 Sprint
100 Easy
150 Sprint
200 Easy X2
150 Sprint
100 Easy
50 Sprint

150 S
150 K
150 P

1 comment:

EasternClimber said...

You forgot marathon sessions of video games while simultaneously drinking Red Bull and eating Stella D'oro "S" cookies. Oh wait - you can't do that anymore because Stella D'oro shut down last month. I wish I was told, because I probably would've made the single largest cookie purchase in history, in the interest of fueling my current and future holiday video game endeavors for the next 60 years. I can't believe I need to live without Stella D'oro. I feel like I just lost a friend to a gruesome corporate tragedy.

...was I the only person to ever do that?